Meet CESA 1 Coordinator Cheri Sylla

Cheri is the mother of an adult son with an intellectual disability and epilepsy. She has been an actively engaged parent throughout his school years and continues to support him to have a happy, fulfilling life in his community.

Cheri's role as a CESA 1 Family Engagement Coordinator is to create stronger connections and engagement between schools and the families that they serve. 

Since August 2003, she has worked with families and special education directors in many districts to look for ways to increase family engagement.  Implementing the WSPEI District Family Engagement Liaison Program in the CESA 1 area has resulted in over half of all districts identifying a local parent to be trained as their district’s liaison.  Cheri has provided trainings and workshops to families of children with disabilities focused on developing leadership skills and knowledge to enhance positive parent-professional partnerships for positive outcomes for their child. 

Cheri's contact information:
Cheri Sylla
N25 W23131 Paul Rd. Suite 100
Pewaukee, WI 53702 

Phone: (262) 787-9500, ext. 9565